We are in search of women to be a part of our writing team for our upcoming journal — Simply Inspirational for Women in Business™ volume 3, 2014. "I know that I have a diverse group of women who are members of Women in Business on Facebook, and I will like to showcase that richness in my journal," says the editor.
The articles we are looking for will cover some set areas of entrepreneurship. The journal will be published in December as an online publication with the goal to have it published it in others mediums. We are also hoping that we can get your permission if we choose to have a publication for sale. Articles submitted are not expected to be more that 1 page and up to 5 pages. However, if you will like to submit a longer paper, that can be discussed. If you are interested please let me know and you will receive more details. I will also like to point out that your participation will be FREE, but we will promote you and your business in our "Contributor's Page". To take a look at our past volumes visit us at: http://cpcwomeninbusinessjournal.blogspot.ca
This year's Simply Inspirational for Women in Business Journal, will be looking at the Caribbean Business Woman and her role in the global economy. We believe that she has the skills and to a great extend the knowledge, as well as a willingness, to expand and grow her business.
Our core theme for this year's journal is looking at the development of women entrepreneurship in the Caribbean and showing how women-based businesses from across the globe can connect with and do business with the Caribbean Business Entrepreneur. Through this publication, we hope to bring the Caribbean business woman face-to-face with women entrepreneurs in the USA, Canada, Africa, Indonesia, India, etc., Our objective is to help women in the Caribbean to connect with women outside, globally, to build and grow their businesses. As a Caribbean business woman, we have skills and resources that we can use to enlarge our business. She also have a lot to offer, but her market can be limited. How can the Caribbean businesswoman expand her market while women in other parts of the world also grow their businesses?
In our last edition, "Sophia's Story" was a very powerful story that women experience and it is a recurring story for many women in business? Research shows that women over all are subjected to abuse and violence and live in poverty. How much is this reflected in the women that you know? Can you share your experience, using just one woman. It will be great to join in this challenge to change the lives of women who are living under these conditions; Do you think that their freedom is tied to an applied education centered with entrepreneurship?
There will also be a personal components, through our use of Women in Business Profiles. These profiles are professional descriptors of a woman entrepreneur in any area of business with a focus on what factors were responsible for her entering an entrepreneurial journey, what are some of the challenges faced, how important was finance to the design and development of her business and was she able to find solutions to it. Other areas include, the role of computer-based technology in the development of the business and social media in the promotion of the business. These and some questions that looks at the philosophy of the business owner, the rationale, and what advice would she gave a women who is now embarking on a vocation of entrepreneurship?
- How can a woman in business broadens her brand so that she can take her brand to an international audience? What are some things that she can do?
- Are you prepared to engage in the global economy — Do you think that you have developed the infrastructure needed to expand your business in this direction?What are some structural changes that must be implemented?
- What are some of the international laws or concerns that a woman in business should have if she is thinking about getting into importation of products and the exportation of her products and services?
- How can the Caribbean small business owner create more commerce in the market place? What is the role of the government in facilitating this expansion?
- What is required to growing your business from a one person management to multiple employees?
- How do you use social media to expand your market? How can a website benefit your business? How do you broaden your client-base to expand your business?
- Do you think fear is a factor responsible for why small businesses do not increase their level of production or diversify? What are your fears when you think of market expansion?
- Diversification and expansion — How can we expand our market to other islands in the Caribbean?
- Taking your craft into a business — What have been your biggest challenge trying to do so?
- Expanding your business, how difficult is this experience for women in business who ply their businesses in major cities street corners and struggles to meet the needs of her family?
We hope that this shared experience will serve as a way of educating, inspiring motivating and empowering each other.
For more details contact the editor at: drccottle@gmail.com
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